Last Updated: 2/21/2020

Name Plane Sequence Slice Gap FOV Scan Range
3-Plane Localizer Ax, Sag, Cor
SAG T1 Sagittal T1 FLAIR 4 mm 0.4 mm 21-25 cm Scalp to Scalp
AX DWI AX ADC Axial Epi DWI 4 mm 0.4 mm 21-25 cm Vertex to Odontoid
AX DWI IAC (optional for cholesteatoma) Axial Propeller/Blade Non-EP DWI 2 mm 0.2 mm 21-25 cm Temporal lobe to mastoid process
AX T2 Axial T2 FSE 4 mm 0.4 mm 21-25 cm Vertex to Odontoid
AX FLAIR Axial T2 FLAIR 4 mm 0.4 mm 21-25 cm Vertex to Odontoid
AX GRE/SWI Axial T2* FGRE or SWAN 4 mm 0.4 mm 21-25 cm Vertex to Odontoid
AX T1 IAC Axial T1 FLAIR or FSE 3 mm 0.3 mm 15-18 cm Temporal lobe to mastoid process
3D FIESTA/CISS/ SPACE IAC Axial 3D FIESTA/ CISS/SPACE 1 mm 0 mm 15-18 cm Temporal lobe to mastoid process
AX T1 POST Axial T1 FLAIR or FSE 4 mm 0.4 mm 21-25 cm Vertex to Odontoid
AX T1 FS IAC POST Axial T1 FS FSE 3 mm 0.3 mm 15-18 cm Temporal lobe to mastoid process
COR T1 FS IAC POST Coronal T1 FS FSE 3 mm 0.3 mm 15-18 cm Clivus to 4th Ventricle


- 3 min delay between injection of contrast and scanning. May acquire T2 axial after contrast injection during delay before acquiring post-contrast sequences.
- Contrast type –per site. Dose- 0.2ml/kg.
- Acquire thin cut 2mm Propeller/Blade non-EP DWI through temporal bones for history of cholesteatoma.
- Small FOV IAC sequences include 3D FIESTA/CISS/SPACE, precontrast axial T1 and post-contrast fat-sat axial and coronal T1 covering from temporal horns to the mastoid process (see below)
- Use ARC/GRAPPA if available for parallel imaging to reduced scan times.

- AXIAL- Plan on sagittal plane, angle parallel to genu and splenium of corpus callosum, cover from odontoid to vertex (see Figures 1, 2, 3).
- SAGITTAL- Plan on axial plane, angle parallel to midline, cover temporal bone to temporal bone (see Figures 4, 5, 6).
- AXIAL IAC- Plan on coronal plane, angle parallel to the plane of the IACS, cover from temporal horns to mastoid process (see Figures 7, 8, 9).
- CORONAL IAC- Plan on axial plane, angle parallel to plane of IACs, cover from clivus to 4th ventricle (see Figures 10, 11, 12).

Figure 1:

<strong>Figure 1:</strong>

Figure 2:

<strong>Figure 2:</strong>

Figure 3:

<strong>Figure 3:</strong>

Figure 4:

<strong>Figure 4:</strong>

Figure 5:

<strong>Figure 5:</strong>

Figure 6:

<strong>Figure 6:</strong>

Figure 7:

<strong>Figure 7:</strong>

Figure 8:

<strong>Figure 8:</strong>

Figure 9:

<strong>Figure 9:</strong>

Figure 10:

<strong>Figure 10:</strong>

Figure 11:

<strong>Figure 11:</strong>

Figure 12:

<strong>Figure 12:</strong>